About 2 years ago after completing my high school education I could not seem to get admitted to any university in India. I do not know if it was bad luck or what. I applied to about 10 universities but all I got was their responses of “We regret to inform you that”. From there I just lost hope for myself. I was convinced by my circumstances that I would not get admission in college.
It was not until a friend of mine who was studying B.Tech in Hydrabad came to me bearing a film called The Secret. It was then that I started realizing that I was born to be great. It was then that I realized I had to start making my own opportunities. I had learned from The Secret film that positivity is the mother of all success.
Official site - eamcet.tsche.ac.in
Here in India, applying for entry into a private university is expensive but I tried again applying to the state level entrance exam known as TS EAMCET. I gave the exam with full confidence. After sometime result came. This time surprisingly and to my excitement, the response was great and I secured 258 rank in the exam. I had so much joy within I could not keep it in anymore. I screamed joyfully. I leanred one thing at that time that knowledge of the subject is not enough to crack exam. For the aspirant i suggest you must know TS EAMCET Exam Pattern 2020, syllabus, important dates etc to crack this state level entrance test. For me, now its time to take admission in the college.
I was thrilled even though I had no idea of whom was going to sponsor me, or who was going to fund my studies. At home, I was the first one to graduate from high school and we were depending on my grandma’s pension fund because it was passed on. Still I just kept on thinking that if I was able to get into university, then surely God will bring forth something to help to pay for my studies. I experienced a lot of problems during my first year and I nearly dropped out of tertiary. However, I realised that I really just had to start thinking more positive thoughts. So that is what I did. It was like the world just gave me a menu and I had to select what I wanted and all of it was going to be delivered to me due time, just as it was said in the film of The Secret.
As you know I get admission in government college so within a year I received cash from a bursary which I do not remember applying for! My tuition fees were taken care of and my meals and books were taken care of. Suddenly everything I had needed,I now had. I received enough cash from the bursary that I could even buy a mobile. I started taking care of my family, my grandma and my little sister. I started meeting with people of much greater calibre and people of importance. Now as I say this, my name has been heard in many places because of the motivational speeches and leadership coaching I give every few weeks. The world is giving me what I want. Most of all, seeing my Grandma smile and knowing that I am the reason behind these smiles brings me real joy.
Check more - TS EAMCET Application Form